Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Swing Drill Three

It is very important when swinging a golf club, to have a fluent swing.  This drill will help get the swinging motion and your body in sync.  We will not use any clubs or balls for this drill.  We will start standing over an imaginary ball, feet shoulder with apart, head down, and palms together.  Let your hands hang naturally.  

The next step will be to bring our hands back to begin the swing.  Your hands should rotate so the front hand is facing forward.  When holding a club, there is rotation in the wrists that is important to hitting the ball straight.

The next step is to follow through and complete the swing.  Your hands should rotate and your back hand should be facing forward.

It is important to do this drill many times to develop a smooth repetition.  Swinging a golf club demands discipline and little error.  Too much wrist movement, swinging too fast, and not bringing the club head through straight are a few things that will cause a golf ball to not fly straight.  This drill will teach your body to develop a groove and stay consistent.  By repeating this action, your body develops muscle memory for the swing and should refer back to this memory when a club is in the hand.